Film Terms

B-roll: disguises the elimination of unwanted content, such as stammering, uncomfortable pauses, or unintentional movement by the principles or background performers

Cutaway: used as a buffer between shots in order to add interest or information or to help with the editing process

Keyframe: captures the main actions of a movement which is usually the beginning, middle, and end

Pick-up: minor shots that are recorded after the fact to supplement previously shot footage

Reshoot: the resulting footage when an entire scene has been redone

Reverse shot: a transposition of a camera move, which provides a point of view that is 180 degrees apart from the original shot

Stock: consists of previously recorded and often archived shots of common events used to add interest or information or used to disguise elimination of unwanted content

'tweener: "in-betweener"; the tireless animator who draws the transitional frames "in between" the key frames
